Gluten Free Pizza
500 g Caputo Gluten Free flour
8 g instant yeast
400 g warm water (about 120 degrees)
18 g Kosher salt
26 g Olive Oil
Fit the stand mixer with the paddle attachment.
In the bowl of your stand mixer place the flour and yeast. Whisk by hand to combine.
Place in the stand mixer and add the water. Mix on low until combined, scraping down at least once.
Add olive oil, mix on low for a few seconds.
Add salt, mix on low for a few seconds and then raise the mixer to medium-high and mix for 4 minutes.
Oil a medium-size bowl, and scrape the pizza dough into the bowl. Using very well-oiled hands, loosely shape the dough into a round.
Cover the bowl tightly with plastic and place in the oven set to proof mode for 90 minutes until doubled in size.
Then divide into 2-3 balls, wrap in seran wrap and place in fridge until read to use. Remove an hour before you want to bake it.
When ready to make pizza, preheat oven as hot as possible (550 usually) with the pizza steel for at least 30 minutes.
Press out the dough into a circle on parchment paper on top of your pizza peel. Slide into oven with the parchment and bake for 7 minutes, removing parchment after 2 minutes.
Put the broiler on high for 3 minutes in between pizzas to make sure the oven is still hot! Then put it back at 550.
Repeat parbaking other crusts.
Top each crust with sauce and cheese and slide back on the hot stone. Bake approx 5-7 more minutes but watch it so it doesn't burn.
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